Network debugging on macOS
The last time someone asked My internet is broken, can you help me? I thought a blogpost might be a good way to share some tools macOS contains that can help to debug your network (future me ✋).
In this post I want to show some tips and tricks on how to find common networking problems.
When I approach a networking problem, I try to get some structure in my debugging workingflow by using the OSI model. We will have a look at each layer and try to isolate the problem layer by layer.
OSI layers
In the following section we will have a look at each layer and try to find some tips and tricks for debugging. It is intended to be a short checklist and therefore does not include more in-depth details on each step.
1-2 Physical, Data Link
- Ethernet cable plugged in?
- LEDs on ethernet port flashing?
- WLAN signal quality:
- Open
> Menu Bar openWindow
- The
window gives you some clues on your current network (Channel, Channel Band, Active PHY Mode etc.) Performance
: Are there variations in e.g. the noise and the resulting Received Signal Strength Indication (RSSI)?
- Open
3 Network
- Is the cloudflare namesever reachable:
ping 1.1
) - Do I have the right
IP address
are link local addresses (RFC5735) that might be self assigned by your machine -> DHCP servier not reachable.- IP address of guest network?
4-7 Transport, Session, Presentation, Application
- Is the DNS resolution working properly?
- Get DNS record
$ dig A
- Ask a specific namesever:
$ dig A @1.1
- Response correct (HTTP status code etc.)
$ curl -I
- Validate the certifcate:
$ curl --insecure -vvI 2>&1 | awk 'BEGIN { cert=0 } /^\* SSL connection/ { cert=1 } /^\*/ { if (cert) print }'
- Get DNS record
Other Use Cases
Where runs the server of ...?
Tools like ipinfo help you to find the ASN>) and its name. This can reveal the hoster (e.g. Hetzner or Uberspace).
Where can I change the DNS records?
You might have more than one registrar and want to find to namesever responsible for a (sub)domain.
$ dig NS
More information: 35c3: Domain Name System
DNS: Clear Cache
If you have changed DNS records and you can clear the cache of some nameservers:
You can use a DNS Checker to valide DNS changes.
Tip: Set a short DNS record TTL some time before you make changes. This will speed up the DNS propagation and your testing afterwards.
Network Performance
Since macOS Monterey there is a networkQuality
CLI included in the OS. This is a nice way to test the transport layer of your network.
$ networkQuality
==== SUMMARY ====
Upload capacity: 20.014 Mbps
Download capacity: 183.036 Mbps
Upload flows: 16
Download flows: 20
Responsiveness: Medium (467 RPM)
There are several ways to approach a networking problem. The tools described in the article can give you some first insight.
If you think there are some tips, tricks or tools missing just leave me some feedback. I love to add them to this post! 🤓